Margot Samel at Kendall Koppe, 36-38 Coburg St, Glasgow, UK


10/12/2024 - 11/16/2024

Margot Samel is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Narcissister (b. 1971, New York, US) at Kendall Koppe, Glasgow. This is the artist’s first solo exhibition with the gallery and in the UK.

Narcissister focuses on race, gender, and sexuality through a constant renegotiation of the self, and its inherent performative nature within contemporary society against heteronormative structures of surveillance and policing. Drawing from the myth of Narcissus, self-possession becomes a strategy where humor is deployed to turn a lens back on the ways contemporary society rewards a specific kind of female narcissism. Appropriating methods of self-presentation through combining her professional experience as a dancer and the methodologies of Black radical feminism, her constant performative persona amplifies the ways in which those prescribed as sexually and racially deviant from “the norm” have always had to reinvent what was expected of them in order to survive.